[an error occurred while processing this directive] 027 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 029 [an error occurred while processing this directive] LyricWriter.java [an error occurred while processing this directive] 028 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 11/15/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] At last, the site is now fully launched. I know, I said that like three weeks ago. But now it's even better. I have the domain name for easy linking. I broke down and got some non-ghetto hosting (which now is sadly costing me money, but it's a small price to pay for it allows me to do. Best of all, I now have forums set up!

On the topic of the forums, you'll notice a link in the bar above (next to the vote button) which will take you to the forums. Once there, please register and begin posting. Over the next bit of time, I'll be customizing it away from the defaults, but feel free to get started using it now. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 11/12/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Good news everyone! Now you can access the website by simply typing brightlywound.com into your webbrowser, preceeded with your optional choice of "http://" and/or "www.". Not only does this make it easier for you to access the site, but it should also make it easier for you to refer your friends to the comic.

I am making sure I point this good news out to you all, as it is not readily apparent. Due to the ghetto (and thus, free) manner in which the site is hosted (involving a pair of redirects and some port trickery,) the url shown above in no way gives indication as to the new and nifty address that can be used. I chose not to mask the url, as that runs into problems with direct linking to various pages. Just remember, where ever you see (or whatever the numbers happen to be at the time,) know that you can (and should) just replace that part with "brightlywound.com" in any links.

Finally, with all that url stuff out of way, I propose the following offer. It is about 1/3 the way through the month and I've about 50 votes over at buzzcomix. This is quite good, but not good enough for my liking. So here's the deal. If I reach 200 votes before the end of the month, there will be a bonus comic. If by chance, you people end up being super magical, and this comic reaches into the top 100 at any point before the month's end (it need not stay there, just reach there) there will be TWO bonus comics. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 11/08/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] I was feeling bad about the last few comics being so physicscenteric, so I decided to withhold part 4 of the series until Sunday, in order to bring you the above math joke. That, and I'm having a hard time making part 4 as funny as I want it to be. Writing can really be a bitch sometimes.

Of another important note, it seems that there has been confusion about the voting thingy. You can vote once per day. I don't expect that kind of devotion, but if you could click the link once per update (as often as I assume you all visit the site) that would be fantastic. It doesn't take many votes to help out the comic, and where we are now, a mere doubling of the votes in would increase the number of people clicking onto this site by a factor of 4 or 5.

And speaking of people who click on the site, I found this on Monday in the site's access logs.

Host Name dhqhp2.dot.state.co.us
IP Address 63.225.***.***
Country United States
Region Colorado
City Denver
ISP State Of Colorado Dot
Visit Length 24 mins 50 secs

According to my conservative estimate of $20/hr, I figure I've cost the state of Colorado about $10 so far, and I couldn't be happier about that.