[an error occurred while processing this directive] 037 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 039 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Fractal Christmas [an error occurred while processing this directive] 038 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 12/29/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Ok, so I'm two days late with the update. I really do feel bad about it, and I'm going to blame my lateness on the fact that I spent far, far too many hours making that fractal Christmas tree look as pretty as it does. Besides, as my friend Zach over at SMBC would say, "It's the holidays, jerks!"

Today's update consists of four redrawn comics. Comic 3, Comic 10, and Comic 15 have all been redrawn. Additionally, Comic 13 has been redrawn, as well as completely rewritten. I hope you all enjoy.

I will update Sunday with a new comic. See you all then. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 12/24/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Sorry about missing Wednesday's update. I had to drive up to Phoenix for some emergency dental work. The good news is that I am now sans a wisdom tooth, sans pain, and with Vicodin. Additionally, I'm not back in Phoenix (for the next week at least) and thus once again have a connection to the internet. Unfortunately, still waiting on that bonus. When I get it to you all, hopefully you'll understand the reason for the delay. It's taking some coordination to which my trip out of town was less than conducive.

Today is a bit of a complicated update, so let me recap it so you don't miss any of the new material. As per what I should have done Wednesday, I have redrawn comic 12, comic 17, comic 19, comic 20, and comic 21. Additionally, there is the new comic for today's update, which I assume you all have seen above. Finally, you'll notice a new section in the archive. The old style comics are in their own section now, and as I finish redrawing them, those comics will take their rightful place in the archive. (Note, the old drawings pages aren't finished yet. Right now they are just just direct copies of the new drawings' pages, which may or my not work properly. Give them a week and all will be well.)

On a further note about today's comic, the snowflakes are hopefully recognizable as Koch Snowflakes, though the finite nature of pixels tends to keep thier resolution low. The tree was created by a short java program I wrote for the purpose, the code of which I have posted in the forum for those intrested. Next update will be Wednesday, in which I will have more comic redraws. Until then, may you all have a Merry Christmas. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 12/17/06 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Well, finals are over. Officially, the semester has been finished for 34 hours now, and I'm already bored out of my mind. How I'll survive until the 10th, I know not. I'm sure I'll manage somehow.

In the news regarding the future of the comic, the plan will be as follows. Each Sunday for the next few weeks will consist of a new comic. Each Wednesday update will not be a new comic, but will rather be a reworking of the earliest comics. Many of these will just be redrawings, but there will likely be a fair number of rewordings as well.

Additionally, the bonus comic you all earned by voting through the month of November will be up next Friday. It's not a normal update day, so I'll make sure to remind you all again next Sunday.