[an error occurred while processing this directive] 044 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 046 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Grading [an error occurred while processing this directive] 045 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 01/31/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Well, I was right about being late with this update. Sorry again about that. Hopefully it was worth the wait though. I swear one of these days I'll get ahead again and have comic predrawn so all I have to do is throw them online at the proper time instead of having to think of, draw, ink, scan, edit, and upload all on the update day. And I'm sure if I keep telling myself that it will come true.

In even bigger news, I'm having a bit of a vote over in the forums. Remember back in December when I promised you all a shiny present for voting so much? And remember how I never got that to you? Well, that had to do with me thinking I could get some coordination going with a friend of mine so as to do something super awesome. That seems to not have worked (though I'm still going to try to make it work for a later date,) so I've decided I'll make you all some spiffy wallpaper instead. To that end, there is now a thread in the forums (in the Comic - General section) as for what comic upon which to base the wallpaper. Head in there and vote, and which ever comic has the most votes by next Wednesday gets made (in the event of a tie, I'll choose betwixt the top voted comics.)

And finally, on the note of voting and rewards, February is a new month, so I'm going to offer another voting award. First, everyone who votes will get to see next update's comic early (note, this will take effect this Friday, I don't have it up quite yet.) Secondly, if I reach 200 votes by the end of the month, a shiny new wallpaper (in addition to the one above) will be your reward. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 01/28/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Sorry about being a little late with the update today. I was working on a project in astronomy last night, and well, you know how it is. Once you start reducing data, it's hard to pull yourself away.

Also, another quick heads up that I may be late with Wednesday's comic. Another dental appointment Tuesday, so I guess it all hinges on how well that goes. I will have it up no later than by the end of Wednesday, if not earlier. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 01/24/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Hey hey! 5 hours of driving, a dental appointment, and reformatting my computer, and I still manage a timely update. How do I do it? I'm honestly not sure, but I think it stems from my near inexhaustable supply of insanity.

Before I head off to bed though, I want to make sure everyone here checks out Captain Excelsior. It's a new webcomic project by my friend Zach Weiner which shows a lot of promise.