[an error occurred while processing this directive] 053 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 055 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Uncanny Valley [an error occurred while processing this directive] 054 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 03/21/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Well, I still suck. My car broke, I had to get emergency dental work done, and my teachers who refuse to give me a day during which I can draw comics for you all. As such, you can all clearly see that there is again no comic today. This weekend is looking better though. And even if it ends up being bad, I'm at the point where I say "screw it" to school and draw some comics anyway so I can get a break.

In the meantime, over Spring Break a planned and attended a masquerade party for a friend of mine's birthday. Below are some pictures from it. If you can't tell (and I'm not sure if it's a good sign if you can or not,) my mask is a homemade version of the mask of Masaka, the character Data became in the TNG episode 7x20, Masks.

The birthday girl herself.

Sadly, this is the best picture of me in my Masaka mask. I may soon replace it with a better one as other people send them to me from their cameras.

Vincent being a borg. I don't even think I need to point out how big geeks we are.

Case in point, at this time we broke out the liquid nitrogen.

And of course, what is an LN2 containing party without the joy that is LN2 ice cream? [an error occurred while processing this directive] 03/14/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] HAPPY PI DAY EVERYONE!

Yeah, so sorry about the lack of updates lately. Midterms, plus Spring Break don't actually lead to a very productive me. I do want to thank everyone who is still checking the site for updates. I promise that I haven't totally abandoned the comic, rather, just taking a short break from it so I can have a life, if only for a little while. Assuming that I can get this astronomy project done in time (seriously, who assigns a project to be due over Spring Break?), I will resume updates coming this Sunday. If not then, then next Wednesday. In the meantime, you can try to keep yourself semi-entertained by starting a pool in the shoutbox as to at what exact time I will update next (or just spouting obsenities in it while I'm too busy to moderate it.) [an error occurred while processing this directive] 03/05/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Sorry for the late update. This last weekend (and the upcoming week) have been (and will be) absolutely crazy. So much so, that I'll just let you all know now that there is no way I can make Wednesday's update. So expect more comicy goodness Sunday. And remember what they always say. Physics is all fun and games until you have two tests and three projects all due in the same week.