[an error occurred while processing this directive] 065 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 067 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Nintendo Oui [an error occurred while processing this directive] 066 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 06/01/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Updates owed counter: 3

I'm back baby! You'll note the counter above. I'm going to be updating three days a week from now on until that counter reaches 0. Two caveats to this plan. First is that the next week will have only the standard two updates, as I'll be busy finishing up cansat. Finally, I'll be gone to the cansat competition during next Sunday (on the 10th of June) so I'll be missing that update completely (which will, of course add one to the above counter.)

As far as the comic above goes, I doubt the french is very accurate, as I just used an online translator. All my french speaking friends are asleep right now (at 5am, can you believe that?) However, I do plan on making it a bit more accurate later once I can actually get a more accurate translation.

Finally, expect a report on ISDC next news post. Perhaps a rant at HP for not getting the new HDD to me sooner will be included as well. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 05/13/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] I saw Spiderman 3 this week. For those of you who have yet to see it (and judging by the box office numbers, that's not many of you,) do yourself a favor and pass on this one. It was the largest disappointment I've had since the third X-men movie. The whole time I was watching the movie, I couldn't help but think that it's a lot like an art museum. The only reason to go is if you want to look at pretty pictures. So for now I sit and wish for a day in which such people start to realize that a good story is a lot more important than making it look shiny.

In other news, school's finally out, which means time for me to work on drawing comics and improving the site. If you have any suggestions, head on over to the forums and let me know. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 05/06/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Have you ever gone to school, figuring you'll be there for 4 or 5 hours, only to not return for 48? If so, you'll know why this comic is going up a day later than I thought it would.

I'm starting to get back on track with the comicing. Sadly, I'm not fully back yet, as I'll need to miss Wednesday's update. This means that the next new comic'll be Sunday, the 13th, barring any unforeseen problems.

Additionally, I've been in a poetic mood of late, so I thought I'd include a tanka that spilled out of me, for those of you into that sort of thing (English majors read this comic, right?)

A place, unbounded
Ethereal, eternal
A perfect state, bliss
Without, we are weak, feeble
With, our strength transcends the gods.