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Portal Week. Right now I have three comics drawn for it. If I don't get any more done, then they well be put up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm going to try to think up two others before then though, which will give you one each weekday. More word on the exact quantity and timing at the start of Portal Week.

Speaking of Portal, it is an amazing game, and if you haven't played it yet, you need to as soon as possible. If your computer can't run it, or you lack the funds, the nice guys over at We Create Stuff has come up with a flash version of the game. It's not the same as the real version, but still very awesome in its own right, and worth a play through by everyone.

That's all I have for now. Remember to check the RSS feed for future updates, which should, barring the craziness we've all come to expect by now, be on schedule. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 10/31/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] First, a happy Halloween to everyone. Hopefully yours will be better than the massive homework fest that will be mine. I want to apologize for the lack of update on Sunday. As many of you know, I was in New Mexico visiting the X-prize Cup. I returned only to find an internet connection that ran at about 2kbps. I'm posting this from the connection at school now, and hopefully I'll be able to fix this issue before it leads in any more missed updates.

And with all that out of the way, the X-prize cup report I promised. This year was enormously disappointing. A month ago, it appeared that there would be about 10 competitors for the lunar lander challenge, and a number of other awesome displays. As of a week ago, Wirefly, the event's primary sponsor, pulled out, meaning that this year there would be no guest speakers (last year had Anousheh Ansari amongst others) and a greatly reduced number of displays. Of all the competitors of the lunar lander challenge, only one was actually attempting anything; the rest would just be showing off what they had do far with a static display. It might as well have been called the "Come See Armadillo Aerospace Make An Attempt Cup", for that is basically what it was.

On the bright side though, we did go to White Sands, which ended up being awesome. If you haven't been, I highly suggest going, as boring as it does sound at first.