[an error occurred while processing this directive] 103 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 105 .shtml">
wallpaper, fixing a typo and slightly editing the graphics. I've also added a 3200x2400 pixel option, just in case you have a monitor with the most ridiculous resolution ever. Finally, I made a few updates to pente, adding a turn indicator and setting it so that the color which plays first alternates between games.

After all that, I need another Wednesday off, so the next update isn't going to be until next Sunday. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 2/24/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] New comic today, based off of actual events. Still trying out the hand letting. Let me know what you think.

I also uploaded an early version of a program I coded in Java a while back. It's a game called pente. It's a great game, and if you haven't played it before, I suggest giving it a try. I'll be updating it this next week as a way to keep my mind sane, so any suggestions on how to improve it would be appreciated. You can find the applet here or in the archive. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 2/17/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] So, I've decided to try something different, so you might note that this comic is hand lettered instead of via photoshop. It might take a bit before I get any good at it, so bear with the next few comics. At that point, we'll see how well it's going and see if I keep it up or not. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 2/15/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] A belated Valentine's wish to all of those who had a good one. A belated sit alone and angry day to all the rest.

But old holidays aside, I have more important news. Some of the more astute of you may have noticed that this is indeed my 100th comic. It's kind of a big milestone in webcomics, really. And even moreso worth the celebrating when you get to this point and realize that yes, yes you did code your site in such a way so as to make the extra digit not break everything. So, with the first 100 down, let's look forward to 100 more, hopefully at a somewhat more regular schedule than I've kept with the first hundred.

On the scheduling note, this ends Portal Week. Next comic will be Sunday, and then probably not another until the Sunday after that, as I've a number of tests in the next few days about which I need to worry.