[an error occurred while processing this directive] 122 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 124 .shtml">
know, I have been a vegetarian for some time now. I won't get into a long discussion about why I made the switch, other than to say that it's for the same reasons that I first became vegetarian. If anyone wants to discuss/debate the issue with me, or has any sage advice to give, I welcome it all (though I reserve the right to use anything stupid you say as material for the next vegetarian themed comic I do).

I'm still getting caught up on being sick or two weeks in the start of the semester, so this week is going to be a bit busy, as well the week after next when I have 4 tests. This means no Wednesday comic this week, but then one next week (the 1st), and none the week after (the 8th). Assuming I can finally settle on how to write it, next week will likely see that two-parter I've promised you a few months ago (wow, was it really that long?) [an error occurred while processing this directive] 9/7/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Seems I missed an update in there somewhere. Sorry about that. I've come down with some illness - still not sure what - that has kept me out of school for the last week and unable to due much of anything. I'm getting a little better though, so here's an update, with the hope that more will be able to come without delay or hindrance.

Just a reminder to please rate the comics. It takes very little time and helps me know what I'm doing well (or not). The last two updates didn't even get enough rating to be listed on the top comics page (they need at least 6). [an error occurred while processing this directive] 8/24/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Politics in Brightly Wound? It's more likely than you think. Normally I try to steer away from the political discussion in the comics, but at this point it's getting a little to ridiculous to not mock, and I figure now's the best time to do it.

School starts tomorrow, so depending on how much homework they decide to assign the first week, I may or may not have a comic up Wednesday, but I'm looking to having one if at all possible. See you then. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 8/17/08 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Update: So, I got myself a tablet and spent all day practicing on it. What this means for you is that I have already managed to make a good copy of the latest comic, which I've uploaded. Also, rating is now active for this strip, so go crazy. You'll probably note a slight change in style of the strip. Drawing on a tablet will allow me to do some things I couldn't do before when I had to blend work on the computer with work on pencil and paper. You may also note that the art may not be quite on model (as much as that term can apply to the comic that is). Over time I'll get better at using the tablet, and the art will become better, I hope. Anyway, as previously predicted, next comic will be on Sunday, and regular updates will be resuming.

So, I couldn't my scanner to work. In fact, I can't even get it to turn on anymore. This is a serious impairment to my ability to do comics. But, I'm feeling bad about not getting updates up, so above is something I whipped up in mspaint. It looks like crap and I didn't put much effort in it. When I get something worked out I'll redo this properly, so consider the above abomination a placeholder.

I'm looking to get a tablet instead of another scanner, which will (hopefully) also improve the overall look of the comic from here on, so maybe you can consider that a bright side. I don't want to make any promises in light of all this stuff not working, and with school starting in a week, but the plan, assuming all works out, is to have next update on next Sunday, which will include a new comic plus the redraw of this one. Oh, and the rating widget is turned off for this comic until I get it all working as I don't want this rated, but rather what will eventually be in it's place. You cant still vote, but when the new version goes up, any previous votes will be erased.

Thanks again for all your patience.