[an error occurred while processing this directive] 131 [an error occurred while processing this directive] 999 .shtml">
here. It's a little light on content right now, but I should be adding more to over the next few weeks. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 03/16/09 [an error occurred while processing this directive] In the past 24 hours I've come up with not one, not two, but three fully fleshed out comic ideas, along with an uncounted number of less developed ideas. This is an order of magnitude more than I've had at any point in the last six months. There are a lot of reasons for my missing updates; sometimes school gets in the way, sometimes I have problems with my computer, and other times I get engrossed in another project away from which I can't tear myself. But in the last six months ago, it's been what might be commonly described as writers block. I just haven't come up with many ideas that I feel are able to be developed into a decent comic. I think though, that this dark period is now over, and my lackadaisicalness re the comic seems to be at an end. At the very least, the there will be comics on time over the next two weeks (as I already have them planned out) and I suspect regular updates for a fair time beyond that.

I've been doing a lot of reading lately, primarily the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. If you love the English language even a fraction of the level that I do, I highly suggest reading his works. You don’t have to necessarily like mysteries either, as his writings are much more varied than just the Holmsian stories by which he has become identified.

Finally, today’s comic is inspired by my own trials in preparing for a move from Tucson to Portland coming up in late May. If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to make the move more easily that don’t first involve solving a Milleniem Problem, please let me know in the comments thread over on the right. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 3/02/09 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Not much to say, but a few administrative things to take care of. First, I was recently dugg. First, a thanks to whomever the wonderful reader who submitted the comic to digg was. Second, welcome to all the new readers.

You may also notice that the little text under the title has changed, and that now the comic updates every Monday. There are a few reasons for the change. Updating multiple times a week just wasn't working for me, so I have officially cut it down to once a week. I switched to Monday because most of my traffic has been on Mandays anyway, so it makes sense to update then. I'm really going to work hard on getting back to updating this thing regularly. The good news is that this means that you should have more regular updates. And as always, the RSS feed will keep you all current. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 1/18/09 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Welcome everyone to 2009. Sorry about resorting to a pun so early in the year. Let's pretend that this means that I'm getting them all out of my system so that there won't be anymore later in the year. Not that there's much chance of that, but we can still pretend all the same.

I, as always, want to thank everyone who stuck around through the hiatus. I'm thinking I'm going to make some change to the "update schedule" soon. It won't be set to less than once a week, that much I am certian of, but I'm thinking the day(s) needs to change. I'll let you all know what's up once I figure it out.